     Well, 7th grade is almost officially over. As of right now I have learned who my true friends are. Many things have changed in my life that made me realize a lot of things. But, I have learned from these experiences to not do or commit those mistakes again. My best experience was meeting all of my friends. My closest friends this year were Nalita, Lucy, Aryanna, Kaycee, Yesenia, etc. I love all very much.
     Even though we have had our ups and downs. The worst part was spending time with people who made some of the friends I listed up there become apart. I will not let them do it again. Other than that I think I've had a great 7th grade, and the picture up there is of me and some of the people I have known for quite a long time ago and they know I will miss them very much. P.S Ignore the "done"! 

     The Colombian Exchange was good, and bad at the same time. It had it strengths and its weaknesses, but in the end in my opinion I believe it was a good change. I believe that the positive thing was that they were getting many great new resources. By "they" I mean Europe, America, Africa, etc. They also had a great new variety of animals. This helped them a lot. 
     The negative effects were all the slaves, and the diseases. Just like the Black Death. It wasn't really like the Black Death, but some parts were. For example they had rats on the ships. As a result these rats brought in many sickness to the countries. This all happened on the ships, when they were bringing goods.   

     Well, although the zoo was exhausting, there was station I did like. That was the Dino Dig. I'm not sure if that's what it's called, but I think that's close enough. Well, this was my favorite station, because we got to just sit, and dig up a dinosaur bone! It was really deep and long! We dug up the spine it took long, but we did it at the end. This was my first time at the zoo, and I think that station was the best.
     The other stations were cool as well, I just liked this one better. They were all different. Like for example there was a monkey station, a poop station  and so on. I believe they were all fun but the one that I thought was kinda weird was the poop one. I don't think that's the name, but it was gross. The poop was all dry and we still had to guess what animal pooped it. It was a great trip t

     The Aztec and the Inca had a similar fall, but what was it? Well, the Aztec got defeated by a guy that they thought was their God in a different version. There God was Quetzalcoatl. He had died, and the Aztec's believed that Cortes was him in a different form. They believed it was their God, because the two were both very similar. But, let me tell you that the Aztec's were wrong. Cortes actually got together with a different empire so that they could defeat the Aztec's they tried again but they failed, then they tired again and they finally defeated them.
     The Inca on the other hand was a bit similar. They were to defeated by the Spanish. The only difference was that the Inca's didn't believe that Cortes was their God. They also didn't treat him really good, and welcomed like the way the Maya's did. 

     Well, I cannot believe it's almost the end of the school year! I can't wait to be an 8th grader next year it's going to be so fun! I'm also going to get more involved in school, because I have learned that joining a club can be actually pretty cool! I have so many great memories, some are good, and some are bad. But, most of them are pretty good. Hopefully the new incoming 7th graders will love Computech just as much as I did! I'm also going to be a WEB leader, because it seems pretty fun!
     Well, my favorite memory was getting to meet new friends, and new teachers. Yes, it was a hard time sometimes, but oh well we just had to keep going. I'm going to miss being a 7th grader, and I don't even want to think of being a Freshman  That just means many people will leave the school, and go to a different high school! But, not me I will always be a tiger because you know what they say, "Once a tiger always a tiger!" 

     The Maya's were some very interesting people. They also created many great things that helped everyone else, and some of the stuff that they invented we still use today! It's pretty amazing, because the creations that they made are at least a billion years old.
     For example the Maya;s created many things, but the two that we use more today is the calender, and the number zero. They did create a writing system, and other things, but we don't use those as much as we use the calender and the number zero. So remember, next time when you look at your calender or the number zero always remember that the Maya created 

     I have lived all my life in North America. But, I always have to keep moving south for food. I have discovered a place where it is warmer, and there are much more food and plants to eat. I don't know what to do. Half of the people say I should go, but the other half say I shouldn't. In my opinion I think we should move here. Maybe, if we settle here other people will too, and as a result we can maybe have some small villages. Plus, if times come we can go establish a small village, and then improve as time comes.
     I think I'm going to convince more people into coming, I will tell them why I think we should, so that they could come along with me. I believe that I will have at least a few people that would come. I just hope all of this isn't a mistake. 

     I believe that the best book I have read this year was actually a series. It was based on a true story, and as a matter of fact the author was the one that wrote about his childhood, and how he lived when he was small. The books were called A Child Called "It", A Man named Dave, and A Lost Boy. These books were one of my favorites, because even though they were true, they seemed to be interesting.
     I personally never liked books that were based on a true story, but this one was just very interesting, but sad at the same time. I'm glad I got a chance to read this series  and hopefully other books that I read in the future will be as good.  

     A very long time ago, people were now interested in science. It was a good thing, but at the same time not that great. People started focusing more in science than they did in any other thing. Many people studied the planets, and the Solar System. Each scientist had a different theory. But, they all disagreed with there choices except if it was theirs.
     As a result all of this that they discovered is still used and learned today. It s pretty amazing how you can learn from people a long time ago. But, since people started focusing more on the Scientific Revolution, it did cause a few changes in people life's. Some of them were good, but some of them were not as great. But at the end most of the were good. 

     There are 5 theses that Martin Luther did. He did 95, but today I will be talking about five. Martin did these theses because he thought that the church was unfair, and someone needed to do something about that, so there he went making all of those these for the church.
     If I were to do any these on the school, I wouldn't do a lot, because I believe that the school is quiet fair. The only thing I would disagree in or say something about is on the uniforms. I believe that students on campus should have more freedom in what we wear. I would say that we should to a free dress every month along with Jeanious Day.
     Another thing would be the snack bar, the restrooms, and the line to get lunch, and the amount of break we have. If we have enough time from break, then students will be able to use the restroom more, and have more time at the snack bar. Also, maybe they should make more restrooms so that we can use them. The last thing would be that they make more places to give out lunch, so that the lines can shorten up a bit more, and students can have more lunch time.