  If there was one thing I would struggle or have a problem in math it would be fractions. Also something that I have problems with most of the time is the teacher. I love my math teacher, but I hate it when she has to have a sub come in and teach us. I really don't understand what the teacher is saying, because he is just a sub, and he is not a math teacher. This is why let's say my math teacher was out and she made a sub come in, and let's say the sub was teaching us about fractions. That would really stress me out and, especially if I find out that we are going to have a math test for that section. 
     This is why I would much rather have my original math teacher, because with my regular math teacher math seems so much easier. Also, because whenever I do have a problem with math my math teacher knows how to help. Plus, my math teacher already knows me well enough to know what I will struggle with in math. It's as if you just get used to having that same math teacher everyday that helps you with everything you need. 

     The Pythagorean theorem. You might not know what this is, what it does, nor what it is used for. Well let me tell you I had the same problem when my math teacher first told me about it. Now that I know, I can share all of the stuff with you. First of all the Pythagorean theorem is a math equation. This math equation is used to find the length of a missing side in a triangle.
     The equation is a to the second power times b to the second power equals c to the second power. You may not know what the second power means, but all that means is that you multiply the number times the number twice. 
     Square Roots. Well, I don't know about you, but I always wondered to myself why they have that name. I believe, that now I have understood how they got their name, or at least I think I do. I believe that they got their name, because it was just a simply way to shorten a long equation. For example 4 to the 5th power. The creators that made the name of the square roots, just probably wanted to shorten the equation, instead of saying 4*4*4*4*4. 
     Have you ever thought in mind a new name for the square root? I know I haven't. But, now that I have been learning a little bit more about square roots, I think I would call them two roots.

     When a positive number is not equal to zero the zero is raised to a negetive power. This happenes for a reason. You may know a reason that I don't, but it's fine as long as you know what you're doing and get the correct anwser for the math problem/equation.
      For example 5 to the 2nd power is equal to 1/21. This is for a reason.