     Hello there, do you have a best friend? Well, if you don't your missing out! I have only two best friends, and they are Aryanna, and Lucy. I love them very much, and I know that I can trust them with anything. I know that if I tell them anything they wont tell anyone. It has been a great pleasure to meet them, and to get to know everything about them, and what we both like and don't like.
     I would do anything for them, because I love them very much. They are always there for me to cheer me up when I'm not in the best mood. They are both very talented, and beautiful in there own ways. I'm just very happy I got to meet them and talk to them. 

Christmas is coming up! You know what that means right? Well, if you don't it means that Winter Break is coming up next week too!  I'm so excited because some of my family members that I haven't seen in so long are coming over to visit my family and I. They always come and celebrate our Winter Break with us. We go many places that we could go. For example, we go to Nevada, Las Vegas, LA, Disney Land, etc. But, I believe that Christmas isn't all about the presents. 
     I believe that Christmas is not about family reuniting just so that they could give their kids and  everyone else presents. I believe it is a day where you celebrate Jesus's birth. 

 Today is one of my close friends last day. She is moving to Tenaya Middle School. I'm going to miss her so much, because although we would get mad at each other at points, I still love her. Although it has only been a couple of months since we got to know each other, we had some great times when we would hang out together. I'm not sure why she is moving, but I hope she makes great friends over there too.
     We will all miss you Aryanna, and never forget us! I also hope you can come next year too, because your going to leave me here with no one sitting next to me. Well, I hope we can go to Christmas Tree Lane together on Saturday, or some other time together with all of the others. Oh yeah, by the remember the picture we took at break, well you better keep it forever! You will always be a Tiger even if it mean you have to go. I LOVE YOU!!!!!