     This is the last Free Write Friday! Next week we will be at Wild Waters! I'm so excited, I can hardly breathe! Well, I'm not that excited  but there will be so many good food! I cannot wait! Hopefully it will be a good day, and not a bad day! Finally I can be an 8th grader! I kinda don't want to be one, because there's going to be so many testing, and it looks like a hard year!
     But, I guess I'm just going to try my best, because after that comes in all the fun! I'm going to miss seventh grade, and this year went off by way to fast. I'm going to miss all of my teachers, but no worries if I graduate high school, then they can come to my graduation! Anyways, I hope there will be a lot of water involved in Wild Waters, because I want to get in the water slides, and have a good time. Hopefully it's not to hot, because I do not need to get any darker. If you haven't noticed I am very dark. But, oh well! I've had a great year, and I'm going to miss writing every Friday, about some of the crazy things that are going on through my head. There will also be a rally, and we get to throw balloons at the teachers today! Yay!

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